KEY: List of Tags

A List of the Tags Used on Fic Hero

Note:  This is not a complete list, but includes the majority of tags used.  Posts are also tagged by keyword, i.e. "island" or "fire."  Posts are also tagged by location, if not the canon Forks.
Remember: You might be searching for a "Nerdward," but it might also be tagged as "Geekward" or "Dorkward."  Search for all possible terms for best results.

  • AH - all human
  • Angst - Emotional strife, distress; a fic designed to incite anxiety or apprehension.  See also: the definition.
  • AU - alternate universe
  • Authorward - An Edward who writes books
  • BPOV - Bella's Point of View
  • Canon - The characters adhere to the rules of Stephanie Meyers' universe, have the personalities as described in her original work.
  • Co-dependence  - These characters have some trouble standing on their own two feet
  • College/University  - An institution of higher learning is featured
  • Daddyward - An Edward with kids
  • Drabble - Also called "quick fic," this describes a fic that posts shorter updates more frequently
  • Drama - Characterized by a darker, more serious tone
  • EPOV - Edward's Point of View
  • ExB - The focal pairing is Edward and Bella
  • Family - The whole Cullen clan is featured
  • Fluff - Happy, lighthearted fic, with little-to-no conflict, angst, or drama
  • HEA - happily ever after
  • Humor - Funny.  These fics have it.
  • Hurt/Comfort  - A category with a nebulous definition, but generally refers to fics with characters dealing with the aftermath of some trauma, usually with the promise of HEA.  From that involves the physical pain or emotional distress of one character, who is cared for by another character. The injury, sickness or other kind of hurt allows an exploration of the characters and their relationship.
  • Lemon - sexual content (specifically, but not always exclusively, heterosexual sexual content)
  • O/S - One Shot: a story just one chapter long
  • PWP - porn without plot/plot? what plot?
  • Romance - A main part of the plot is devoted to the characters falling in love
  • Studentella - A Bella whose main occupation is being a student
  • Vamp - Vampires are present, check for the presence of the "Canon" tag to indicate Meyersian vampires
  • Violence - a marked presence of graphic physical conflict